The presence of increased hair growth can be divided into two disease entities; hypertrichosis, that affects both genders, and hirsutism, that only affects females.
Hypertrichosis is called the increased growth of final hair in areas of the body that are not affected by androgens.
It can be identified as generalized, drug-dependent, and disease-caused.
Hirsutism is called the growth of final hair in areas of the body that are pathological for females who are affected by androgens, such as the upper lip, cheeks, chin, chest midline, breasts, abdomen, back, glutes, and inner thighs.
Classical hypertrichosis causes are taking various drugs, such as cortisone, phenytoin anti-epileptic drug, or cyclosporin immunomodulator. Furthermore, they can be pathological conditions, such as hypothyroidism, anorexia nervosa, porphyria cutanea tarda (usually from excess alcohol consumption), etc. A common case of identified hypertrichosis is hair growing on nevi (moles), and the topical use of minoxidil on the scalp for alopecia, which can also stimulate hair growth on the adjacent face.
Heredity also plays a key role in increased hair growth.
Diode laser at 808nm is the “new best thing” at hair removal. It is considered the “silent power” and is targeted to both males and females who want to reduce or permanently get rid of hair growth on the face, armpits, back, genital area, and glutes, legs, as well as chest – and abdomen, if necessary.
It is pain-free and implemented without the application of an anesthetic cream, and is also extremely effective in 5-7 sessions every 40 days.
Another key advantage of the diode laser is that the patient can use a hair removal (depilatory) cream or razor before the sessions, and does not have to leave hair to grow, as is the case with traditional lasers. This means minimum pain and high tolerance, even in difficult areas, and a very low possibility of reactive hair growth.
In order not to limit ourselves to 808nm, the P-MIX triple wavelength hair removal laser in our office includes a 755nm Alexandrite wavelength, 1064nm Diode & Nd Young wavelength, and therefore, it is suitable for all types of skin & hair growth, both fair and dark. Application takes place with a diode and gel; in this way, we can work at lower energy levels, since we do not have to eliminate the hair strain with each shot.
The key principle of hair removal is selective photothermolysis, during which, a specific wavelength, and over a specific time, acts on the target-follicle, without affecting the surrounding tissues. Actually, a laser is effective, when the beam contains the right energy, and each shot lasts as long as it is required to act on the hair follicle, causing its destruction.
The diode laser, e.g., emits at 808nm, and the shot energy and time are set depending on the area, to which, the treatment is applied, as well as how fair or dark is the complexion. The spot of the laser head is cooled automatically, and combined with the application of a gel that is also used for ultrasounds, application is fast and pain-free.
Since their technology has been improved, they are believed to be the ideal hair removal devices, due to the fact that no local anesthetic cream is required, and the result is usually achieved after 5-7 sessions every 40 days, and the possibility is high that no further repeats of the process will be required. Why is that? All hair removal lasers act on the follicle of growing hair during the anagen phase of the latter. Therefore, there would be no point of holding sessions more frequently, since it can be understood that it is not possible to target all follicles at once.