The virus is transmitted by close contact with a person who carries it, and excreted from the Skin or in genital secretions. The virus enters the body from minor injuries of the skin or the mucous, and proliferates in the epithelial cells of the entry/contact point.
The early symptoms of the virus can very similar to those of the flu (suffering, low fever, etc.), as well as stinging or itching in the genital area. Later, small blisters full of fluid can appear, which can “break” and become painful ulcers or corrosion.
The transmission of the virus is possible even when there are not any manifestations of the infection. When someone is infected with the herpes virus, they can develop clinical manifestations of the virus for days, weeks, and even months after the infection.
The symptoms normally improve on their own in a few days, the wounds close without any scars, and the virus becomes inactive, although it stays in the body. In some people, the virus can be reactivated, with an incidence that can be as high as 1 case/month, causing recurring outbreaks (relapses) This usually happens when the body’s defense declines, as well as after severe fatigue, stress, just before menstruation, etc.
Risk factors for the transmission of genital herpes are the following:
• A high number of sexual partners
• Personal history of other sexually transmitted diseases
• Start having sex at a young age
The administration of antiviral drugs (acyclovir, Valacyclovir, Famciclovir) reduces the severity and duration of the symptoms, both at an early stage in the development of the infection, and in relapses. In case of frequent events, precautionary administration of antiviral medication is recommended, in order to reduce the incidence and severity of relapses.