
Hyperhidrosis is a pathological condition that is characterized by excessive sweat secretion from the secreting sweat glands.


Primary focal hyperhidrosis

Primary focal hyperhidrosis is called the excessive sweat production in some areas of the body (armpits, soles, palms, and face), and which is not linked to any underlying diseases, while it affects significantly the quality of life of people. It can be exacerbated by emotional disorders, since they result in the stimulation of the metaganglian cholinergic fibers.

Although its cause is unknown, it is rather due to hyperactivity of the parasympathetic system, which provides neurons to the sweat glands, and actually to the secreting ones. Stress and increased environmental temperature are two factors that exacerbate the problem of excessive sweat secretion.

Secondary generalized hyperhidrosis

Secondary generalized hyperhidrosis develops in large parts of the body, while it often occurs during sleep. Endocrine and metabolic disorders, such as thyrotoxicosis, diabetes, hypoglycemia, menopause, neoplasms, and paraneoplastic manifestations, such as Hodgkin’s lymphoma (Hodgkin’s disease), myeloproliferative disorders, infections, cardiovascular events, anti-depressant drugs, withdrawal syndromes, as well as neurological disorders, can cause generalized hyperhidrosis.

In addition, secondary hyperhidrosis usually occurs in adulthood, or it can start after an accident, frostbite, or after starting a medication.

What to watch for

• Hyperhidrosis can be treated.

• Before the patient’s visit to the Dermatologist, it is recommended to keep a “sweat journal”.

• The patient should use an antiperspirant, rather than a deodorant, which is applied to dry and clean skin in the evening, after an evening bath and before going to bed. In terms of usage frequency, the Dermatologist’s instructions are followed.

• Those who develop hyperhidrosis on the soles, have an increased risk of infections, such as athlete’s foot in the folds between the toes. It is recommended to use shoes from natural materials, which would better be alternated, as well as socks that keep moisture off the skin.


The treatment of hyperhidrosis includes topical methods or drugs, injectable, such as aluminium salts in concentration 20-25%, and Iontophoresis, and systemically administered drugs and therapies, such as Anticholinergics and Injections with botulinum toxin (Botox or Dysport).

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